Friday, September 11, 2009

The sad reality is, if you drive or ride a motor vehicle on a frequest basis, you will experience an automobile accident at some point in your life.

The LAW OFFICES of ALLAN S. FIELD have over 25 years of experience in handling automobile accidents and typically settle dozens of claims every year.

For the rest of you "normal people" such an event will be an unique and unwanted experience.

Because of this fact, many accident victims make critical mistakes immediately following an accident which serves to do irreparable harm to the case.

Most important, a victim should never have a "chatty" conversation with the driver of the other vehicle at the scene of the accident (or subsequently for that matter).

If there is a police officer on the scene who is gathering information for a report (which happens less frequently these days) then by all means disclose what you recall to his / her inquiries.

I cannot tell how many victims I have represented who didn't even think an attorney was neccesary because the other party was "so nice" or "admitted fault" or "just wanted to keeps things simple" only to find to their surpirse that, all of a sudden, the other party did a "180" in their version of what happened and the "friendly insurance adjuster" was not really their friend after all.

But once these mistakes are made by the accident victim it is often too late to "put the horse back in the barn".

Contact us for professional legal advice.

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