Sunday, May 16, 2010

Most Comon Causes of Car Accidents

The leading cause for deaths among 3 - 33 years old is CAR ACCIDENTS. These are the most common causes:
  1. Distracted Drivers
  2. Speeding
  3. Road Rage
  4. Drunk Driving
  5. Weather
Read the full article the most common causes of car accidents

For more information contact the Law Offices of Allan S Field 619-536-8200

Thursday, May 13, 2010

What is Personal Injury Law?

Personal Injury Law is that area of the Law that protects your rights after you have been injured or your property damaged by somebody else. If you have been involved in an incident where you have been hurt, and you feel there is another party to blaim, contact Allan Field to determine if you have a case. There is no cost to this initial call to determine what your rights are and what you could do. If Allan feels you do have a case, you can arrange for a consultation tp discuss your case in more depth and determine a plan of action.

Find out more about your rights and how Allan Field can help you in the field of Personal Injury Law